Academic sector definition
Examples of Academic sector in a sentence
An entity which does not have legal personality under the applicable national law shall be considered as being assimilated to a legal entity provided that the conditions set out in Article 131(2) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 and Article 198 of Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 are complied with.For the purposes of the BBI JU calls, two different types of organisations are eligible and distinguished according to their sector:• Academic sector; • Non-academic sector.
AcademiaThe Academic sector has multiple initiatives under way to enhance reporting around the SDGs. The 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report is itself a space in which academics can synthesise reports of academic research findings relevant to key SDG policy areas.
Needs related to the assessment and surveillance of child and youth health as expressed by key informants ThemesSub-ThemesCHILDREN COUNT43G – Government sector; A – Academic sector; E – Education sector.Challenges and Barriers Themes were categorized as a ‘challenge or barrier’ if the key informant identified or described a limitation orother difficulties that prevents or hinders the assessment and surveillance of child and youth health.
Academic sector (funda mental research and training) • Institute a tenure-track system in the Universities, to ensure that the aca demic system can benefit from the energy an d t alent of the best young people.
Figure 4.1 Sample gender Figure 4.2 Sample age Figure 4.3 Academic sector of participants Figure 4.4 Medium through which the participants first learned English It can be clearly seen that there were 81.5% female and 18.5% male participants.
By asking about essential programs according to job requirements, we found that: Private architects, Large construction companies, Public sector bodies, Academic sector differ in their needs, as Table 6 shows.On average private architects prefer 3DMAX, BIM, GRASSHOPPER, AND RYNO.
With dual career couples widely prevalent in this modern era, there is a need for systematic research into the nature of work-life conflict and further insight is required into ways from study, we find that out of the total 60respondents of Academic sector, 48 (80%) of them feel that they are not able to balance their work and family life while only 12 (20%) of them feel that they are able to do.
Forest dependent community (in mangroves, and natural forests) Beneficiaries of Non-Timber Forest Products and could have an impact in the forest resources and the natural protected areas in practices are not sustainable Academic sector Provide technical knowledge in the different phases of REDD+ Ministry of Tourism ministry Implementation of legal instruments for environmental zones and development of guidelines in coordination with MOP and MAG.
YesAdditional information Yes, Geographic Scope Local Category Measuring and sharing information on the status of IPv6 deployment, CommunityBuilding, Capacity Building, Outreach and awareness raising, Knowledge and experience sharing, Incentives stimulating IPv6 uptake Main stakeholders Government, Service Providers, Vendors, Financial sector, Academic sector, and other private sector.
Gendered data exist only regarding total number of researchers (see table 2) and regarding Academic sector (see table 3)Table 1.