Access PIN definition
Examples of Access PIN in a sentence
If I do NOT tell you within two (2) business days after I learn of the loss or theft of my ATM Card, Electronic Access PIN or ATM PIN and you can prove you could have stopped someone from using my ATM Card, Electronic Access PIN or ATM PIN without my permission if I had told you, I could lose as much as $500.00.
I must tell you AT ONCE if I believe my ATM Card, ATM Debit Card, (collectively “Cards”) Electronic Access PIN, ATM PIN or ATM Debit Card PIN, (collectively “PINS”) has been lost or stolen or if I believe that an electronic fund transfer has been made without my permission.
All transactions affected by use of the ATMs, POS terminals and Electronic Access Systems or other electronic transaction contemplated hereunder which would otherwise require my signature, or other authorized signature, shall be valid and effective as if signed by me when accomplished by use of the ATM or ATM Debit Card and ATM or ATM Debit Card PIN or Electronic Access PIN or as otherwise authorized under this Disclosure and Agreement.
You will provide me with an Electronic Access PIN for use with MoneyLine, Home Banking and Bill Payment.
Defendant can locate instructions on how to set up a Restricted Access PIN for Plaintiff on-line at
The operator will instruct you to swipe your Ultimate Gift Card in the pin pad, and then select “Savings” Account and enter the Access PIN into the pin pad.
SEB banka shall be liable for any erroneous payments made against the will of the Client, except for the situations when the losses have occurred due to a loss or theft of the mobile device or Access PIN Code or other unauthorized use thereof and the payment had been executed before the incident had been reported to SEB banka in accordance with Clause 3.9 of the Appendix.
You may access your account and make transfers by telephone via Call-24 by using the Audio Access PIN we have assigned or you have requested.
The optional Access PIN is used for your easy log into the portal.The optional Portal Password field is used to create a password for your clients to log into the portal.
Step 3: Setting Remote UI With Remote UI, you can use a Web browser on a computer to check the operation status of the machine, change the settings, and perform other operations.Set the Remote UI Access PIN for using Remote UI to prevent unauthorized access to the machine.