Accountable Body definition

Accountable Body means the local authority represented on the Board carrying out the function set out in paragraph 12.2.
Accountable Body means a local authority organisation(s) responsible for one or more aspects of the operation of the Enterprise Zone in line with plans agreed with the Local Enterprise Partnership.
Accountable Body means the Council appointed under Clause 4 (Accountable Body) who shall be responsible for receiving and spending funds for and on behalf of the Councils in relation to the City Deal in accordance with the funding condition relating thereto and whose duties are set out under Clause 5 (Duties of the Accountable Body)

Examples of Accountable Body in a sentence

  • The Joint Committee does not operate its own Bank Account, instead all cash transactions are administered by Cardiff Council in its role as Accountable Body.

  • This includes the use of any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on the 29th October 2014.

  • The Joint Committee does not hold its own bank account so all income and expenditure is managed by Cardiff Council in its role as the Accountable Body, through its own bank balance.

  • Each Council shall permit all records referred to in this Agreement to be examined and copied from time to time by the Accountable Body, or any representatives of the Accountable Body or any other representatives who reasonably require access to the same in order to undertake any audit of the funds received and spent pursuant to this Agreement.

  • As the Accountable Body for the LEP, all financial arrangements are managed and accounted for through County Council financial systems and subject to the Standing Orders and Governance systems of that body.

More Definitions of Accountable Body

Accountable Body means the Council appointed under Clause 4
Accountable Body means the Council who have been authorised by statute as the billing authority for Business Rates within the CEZ’s.
Accountable Body means the organisation that is responsible for external funding and ensuring it is spent in accordance with the conditions for which is was given. It is often used to define ultimate responsibility for grants and similar payments made into partnerships and other joint ventures.
Accountable Body means the local authority(ies) responsible for the organisation and operation of the Enterprise Zone in line with plans agreed with the Local Enterprise Partnership.
Accountable Body the Council appointed under clause 6.1 of this Agreement who shall be responsible for receiving and distributing funds for and on behalf of the Councils in relation to the Swansea Bay City Deal and whose duties are set out in clause 7; “Accountable Body Costs” the operational and management costs incurred by the Accountable Body in carrying out its role of Accountable Body;
Accountable Body means the Council appointed under Clause 4 (Accountable Body) who shall be responsible for entering into contracts and receiving, accepting and spending funds for and on behalf of the Councils in relation to the MWGD in accordance with the funding condition relating thereto and whose duties are set out under Clause 4 (Duties of the Accountable Body)
Accountable Body means the Council appointed under Clause 4(Accountable Body) who shall be responsible for receiving and spending funds for and on behalf of the Parties in relation to the Growth Deal and whose duties are set out under Clause 5 (Duties of the Accountable Body)