Examples of Accreditation audit in a sentence
The team sighted notices on display of the Accreditation audit and residents were aware of the reason behind the team’s visit.
The team observed safe work practices during the Accreditation audit and staff members interviewed by the team stated they receive regular education in manual handling.
Residents and representatives reported that they had been informed of the Accreditation audit.
SQA Accreditation audit reports are written by exception focusing only on those areas where corrective action is required or recommended.
During the Accreditation audit there were 14 Commonwealth funded residents at Riverton and six Commonwealth funded residents at Eudunda.
Residents reported that they had been informed of the Accreditation audit.
Thesevalues were reflected in day-to-day interactions between staff, residents and families that were observed over the course of the Accreditation audit.
Care recipients were observed to be enjoying the activities taking place over the two day re- Accreditation audit.
The home has processes to notify residents about the Accreditation audit, and to monitor professional registrations and police clearances for staff and volunteers.
Residents and representatives have access to brochures regarding the Aged care complaints scheme, and residents and representatives reported they had been informed of the Accreditation audit.