Examples of Acid deposition in a sentence
Title IV of the Clean Air Act, contained in 42 USC 7651 to 7651o; "Acid deposition control;" published January 3, 2017 in Supplement III of the 2012 Edition of the United States Code.
Acid deposition and oxidant research center (ADORC) as Network Center (NC) conducted also the Individual Training Course (four weeks).
Acid deposition from the atmosphere may also be a source of nitrogen compounds, but is expected to be minor relative to other anthropogenic sources in this region.
Title IV of the Clean Air Act, contained in 42 USC 7651 to 7651o; "Acid deposition control;" published January 3, 2007 in the 2006 Edition of the United States Code.
Acid deposition is a continuing threat, especially because these forests are often surrounded by acidic clouds and fog, which affects the ability of vegetation to retain essential nutrients.
Acid deposition with levels of acidity associated with the foliar effects described above are currently found in some locations in the eastern U.S. (EPA, 2003).
Acid deposition: caused by oxides of nitrogen (NOX) (or sulphur dioxide, SO2) reacting with rain/cloudwater to form nitric (or sulphuric) acid, and is caused primarily by energy generation, as well as road traffic and industrial combustion.
Acid deposition is a secondary pollutant that affects regions far from the primary source.
Acid deposition can cause major changes to flora, fauna and ecosystem functioning and affects organisms as diverse as diatoms, invertebrates and fish.
Acid deposition has accelerated leaching of ions such as calcium and magnesium from soils in some areas, which could lead to a decrease in tree growth.