Acquisition Line definition
Examples of Acquisition Line in a sentence
All references to the "Short-term Acquisition Line Maturity Date" contained in the Short-term Acquisition Notes shall mean the Short-term Acquisition Line Maturity Date as defined in the Credit Agreement, as hereby amended.
All references to the "Long-term Acquisition Line Maturity Date" contained in the Long-term Acquisition Notes shall mean the Long-term Acquisition Line Maturity Date as defined in the Credit Agreement, as hereby amended.
The band around ~1070 cm-1 corresponds to the vibration mode of the asymmetric stretch of Si-O-Si while the band at ~930 cm-1 is assigned to the stretching of Si-O (non-bonding oxygen) groups [21].
The Financing Agreement provides for some of the agreements between the Borrowers and the Lender with respect to the “Loans” (as defined in the Financing Agreement), including (i) a revolving credit facility in the maximum principal amount of $25,000,000 and (ii) an Acquisition Line under which an advance evidenced by an Acquisition Line Term Note is outstanding and no further advances are to be made.
This Facility provides credit of up to approximately $17 million and is comprised of:• An Acquisition Line of $9,000,000;• A revolving operating line of $5,000,000;• A guarantee facility of $2,000,000 (USD); and,• Other facilities of $480,000 (USD) and $100,000 for other liabilities.The Facility is secured by a General Security Agreement which also includes the wholly owned subsidiaries.