AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 10 A. The Total Amount Not to Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 11 Contract, are as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract, except as allowed for 12 in Subparagraph B. below. 13 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Total Amount Not to Exceed by an amount not to exceed 14 ten percent (10%) of Period One funding for this Contract. 15
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 10 A. The Total Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance 11 with all agreements for Recovery Residence Services during each Period are as specified in the Referenced 12 Contract Provisions of this Contract. This specific Contract with CONTRACTOR is only one of several 13 agreements to which this Total Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed applies. It therefore is understood by 14 the Parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only a fraction of these Aggregate Amounts
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. The Total Amount Not to Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this 33 Contract, and the separate Amounts Not to Exceed for each Period under this Contract, are as specified 34 in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract, except as allowed for in Subparagraph B. below.
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 16 A. The Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with 17 all agreements for Behavioral Health Services in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs during 18 each Period are as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract. This specific 20 to Exceed applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will 21 be only a fraction of this Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed. 22 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed by an amount not to 23 exceed $1,400,000, which is ten percent (10%) of the original amount of the first year of funding for this 24 Contract. 25
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 17 A. The total Amount Not to Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with this
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 29 A. The Amount Not To Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with all agreements 30 for Services during each Period are as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Agreement. 31 This specific Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Amount 32 Not To Exceed applies. It therefore is understood by the Parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR 33 will be only a fraction of these Amounts Not To Exceed. 34 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Amount Not To Exceed by an amount not to exceed ten 35 percent (10%) for Period One of funding for this Contract. 36 // 37 //
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 5 A. The Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed for services provided in accordance with all contracts for 6 Adult Long Term Care Institutions for Mental Disease Services during Period One and Period Two are as 7 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract. This specific Contract with 8 CONTRACTOR is only one of several contracts to which this Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed applies.
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 2 A. The Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with 3 all contracts for Drug Medi-Cal Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment Services during each Period 5 CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed 6 applies. It therefore is understood by the Parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only a 7 fraction of these Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed. 8 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed by an amount not to 9 exceed ten percent (10%) of Period One funding for this Contract. 10
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. 35 A. The Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with 36 all agreements for CalFresh Healthy Living Services is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions 37 of this Agreement. This specific Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to 1 which this Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed applies. It therefore is understood by the Parties that 2 reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only a fraction of this Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed. 3 B. ADMINISTRATOR may amend the Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed by an amount not to 4 exceed ten percent (10%) of the Period One funding for this Agreement. 5
AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED. The Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with 27 all agreements for Behavioral Health Services in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs during 28 each Period are as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Contract. This specific 29 Contract with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Aggregate Amount Not 30 to Exceed applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will 31 be only a fraction of this Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed.