Active Processing definition
Examples of Active Processing in a sentence
Active Processing Any operation, which goes beyond the reception without request and preservation of a track generated automatically in a computer system.
There are three instructional methods related to brain-based learning:• Orchestrated Immersion - makes a learning setting that fully engages students in many learning skills;• Relaxed Alertness - removes fear in the learners while preserving highly stimulating settings; and,• Active Processing - lets the learner combine and assume material by actively practicing it.
The three techniques used were Relaxed Alertness (RA), Orchestrated Immersion (OI) and Active Processing (AP) in line with Thomas and Swamy (2014).
See also Transfer of Functions notes set out under those sections.SUBCHAPTER XIX—REMEDIAL ACTION AND URANIUM REVITALIZATIONPart A—Remedial Action at Active Processing Sites§ 2296a.
Mayer's Dual Channel Active Processing (Figure 3) suggests that the learner has a limited capacityMayer's Dual Channel Active Processing Figure 3.