Personal interest definition

Personal interest means a financial benefit or liability accruing to a School Board member or employee or to a member of the immediate family of the School Board member or employee. Such interest shall exist by reason of
Personal interest means a financial benefit or liability accruing to an officer or employee or to a member of his immediate family. Such interest shall exist by reason of (i) ownership in a business if the ownership interest exceeds three percent of the total equity of the business; (ii) annual income that exceeds, or may reasonably be anticipated to exceed, $10,000 from ownership in real or personal property or a business; (iii) salary, other compensation, fringe benefits, or benefits from the use of property, or any combination thereof, paid or provided by a business that exceeds, or may reasonably be anticipated to exceed, $10,000 annually; (iv) ownership of real or personal property if the interest exceeds $10,000 in value and excluding ownership in a business, income, or salary, other compensation, fringe benefits or benefits from the use of property; or (v) personal liability incurred or assumed on behalf of a business if the liability exceeds three percent of the asset value of the business.
Personal interest means a financial benefit or liability accruing to an officer or employee or to a

Examples of Personal interest in a sentence

  • Disclosure of Personal Interest Supervised Persons are prohibited from recommending, implementing or considering any securities transaction for a client without having disclosed any material beneficial ownership, business or personal relationship, or other material interest in an issuer or its affiliates, to the Chief Compliance Officer.

  • Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, the Company may enter into any contract or otherwise transact any business with any Director in which contract or business such Director has a Personal Interest, directly or indirectly; and may enter into any contract of otherwise transact any business with any third party in which contract or business a Director has a Personal Interest, directly or indirectly.

  • Disclosure of Personal Interest – The Code prohibits investment personnel from recommending, implementing or considering any Securities Transaction for a client without having disclosed any material Beneficial Interest, business or personal relationship, or other material interest in the issuer or its affiliates, to the Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) or another designated senior officer.

  • Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, to the following: Disclosure of Personal Interest Investment Personnel are prohibited from recommending, implementing, or considering any securities transaction for an account without having disclosed any material beneficial ownership, business or personal relationship, or other material interest in the issuer or its affiliates, to the Chief Compliance Officer of the Investment Adviser and the Funds (“CCO”) or the CCO’s designee.

  • The Code prohibits Access Persons from using knowledge about pending or currently considered securities transactions for clients to profit personally, directly or indirectly, as a result of such transactions, including by purchasing or selling such securities.Disclosure of Personal Interest.

More Definitions of Personal interest

Personal interest means, for the purpose of disclosure of personal interests in accordance with this Code of Ethics, a financial interest of the official or employee, or a financial interest of the official’s or employee’s spouse or child living in the same household, in the matter to be voted upon, regulated, supervised, or otherwise acted upon in an official capacity.
Personal interest means, for the purposes of this form only, a personal and financial benefit or liability accruing to a filer or a member of his immediate family. Such interest shall exist by reason of (i) ownership in real or personal property, tangible or intangible; (ii) ownership in a business; (iii) income from a business; or (iv) personal liability on behalf of a business; however, unless the ownership interest in a business exceeds three percent of the total equity of the business, or the liability on behalf of a business exceeds three percent of the total assets of the business, or the annual income, and/or property or use of such property, from the business exceeds $10,000 or may reasonably be anticipated to exceed $10,000, such interest shall not constitute a "personal interest."
Personal interest means in relation to a company, a Person’s personal interest in an act or a Transaction of such company, including the personal interest of his Relative and of another company in which he or his Relative is an Interested Party, except for a personal interest which derives from the mere fact of Holding shares in such company, and including a personal interest of a Person voting in accordance to a proxy given to him by another Person, even though the other Person has no personal interest, and voting by a Person who was given a proxy by another person who has a personal interest, will be considered as voting by the Person who has a personal interest, all whether the discretion in regards to the voting is granted to the Person voting or not;
Personal interest. Means the following specific blood or marriage relationships:
Personal interest means a personal benefit, gain or other interest derived by the shareholder (or a Relative or related entity, as described below) from approving the respective transaction. Any benefit or interest arising solely from holding a company’s shares is not considered such a personal benefit or other interest under the Companies Law. Such personal benefit and other interest includes any personal benefit or other interest of:
Personal interest means, for the purposes of this form only, a personal and financial benefit or liability accruing to a filer or a member of his immediate family. Such interest shall exist by reason of
Personal interest means a financial benefit or liability accruing to an officer or employee or to a member of his immediate family. Such interest shall exist by reason of: