Address Confidentiality Program definition

Address Confidentiality Program. (ACP) means a program of the Oregon Department of Justice, which provides a substitute mailing address and mail forwarding service for ACP participants who are victims of domestic violence (see section (25) of this rule), sexual assault, or stalking.
Address Confidentiality Program means a program as that term is defined in section 3 of the address confidentiality program act.
Address Confidentiality Program means the program established under ORS 192.822.

Examples of Address Confidentiality Program in a sentence

  • When transferring the record of a student participating in the North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program to a school outside of the system, the transferring school may send the files to the Address Confidentiality Program participant (parent or guardian) via the substitute address provided by the Address Confidentiality Program.

  • Students or parents enrolled in the North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program (NCACP) must provide a valid NCACP authorization card to the school principal if they wish to keep their home address confidential.

  • In determining whether a student meets the domicile or residence requirements of this policy, school personnel shall consider the actual address of a participant in the North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program established by G.S. Chapter 15C, but such address will remain confidential in accordance with law and policy 4250/5075/7316, North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program.

  • The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) protects the victims of certain crimes, such as sexual assault and stalking.

  • Records of students participating in the North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program must show only the substitute address provided by the Address Confidentiality Program and must not be released to any third party other than a school to which the student is transferring, or as otherwise provided by law.

More Definitions of Address Confidentiality Program

Address Confidentiality Program or "program" means the
Address Confidentiality Program means a program as that term is defined in section 3 of the address confidentiality program act, 2020 PA 301, MCL 780.853.
Address Confidentiality Program means the Address Confidentiality Program for survivors of threatened, attempted, or actual domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, or human trafficking administered by the Secretary under Title 7, Subtitle 3 of the State Government Article.
Address Confidentiality Program means the program established
Address Confidentiality Program or “program” or “ACP” means “Address confidentiality program” or “program” as defined in section 54-240 of the Connecticut General Statutes;
Address Confidentiality Program or “program” means the address confidentiality program established by this section.
Address Confidentiality Program or “ACP” means a program established by A.R.S. §41-162 to protect the confidentiality of the actual address of a relocated victim of domestic violence, a sexual offense, or stalking.