ADEQ definition
Examples of ADEQ in a sentence
ADEQ must be notified in writing and the permittee must receive written approval from ADEQ if the permittee decides to return to the original permit monitoring requirements.
Permittees are required to use preprinted DMR forms provided by ADEQ, unless specific written authorization to use other reporting forms is obtained from ADEQ.
ADEQ has reviewed and evaluated the effluent in accordance with the potential toxicity of each analyzed pollutant using the procedures outlined in the Continuing Planning Process (CPP).
Modification or revocation of this permit is subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 122.62, as adopted by reference in ADEQ Regulation No. 6.
Section 101(a)(3) of the Clean Water Act states that " is the national policy that the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts be prohibited." In addition, ADEQ is required under 40 CFR Part 122.44(d)(1), adopted by reference in Regulation 6, to include conditions as necessary to achieve water quality standards as established under Section 303 of the Clean Water Act.