adequate space definition

adequate space means not more than one person per one and a half metres of floor space; "Alert Level" means the determination made under subregulation 3(2);
adequate space means not more than one person per one and a half metres of floor space;
adequate space means not more than one person per square meter of floor space;

More Definitions of adequate space

adequate space means not more than one person per square meter of floor space; 'clinical case' means a patient that presents with clinical signs and symptoms of COVID-19;3 'Constitution' means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;4
adequate space means sufficient space to allow each animal to: (1) Easily stand, sit, lie,
adequate space means space sufficient to allow each animal to:
adequate space means not more than one person per square meter of floor space; ‘COVID-19’ means the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) which is an infectious disease caused by a virus, which emerged during 2019 and was declared a global pandemic by the WHO during the year 2020 that has previously not been scientifically identified in humans; Criminal Procedure Act’ means the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977); ‘enforcement officer’ includes a member of the South African Police Service, the South African National Defence Force and a peace officer as defined in section 1 of the Criminal Procedure Act;
adequate space means sufficient space to allow each animal to: (1) Easily stand, sit, lie, turn around, and make all other normal body movements in a comfortable, normal position for the animal; and (2) interact safely with other animals in the enclosure. When freedom of movement would endanger the animal, then temporary, appropriate restraints or confinement are permitted within the meaning of “adequate space” according to professionally accepted standard of care and treatment; and
adequate space means sufficient height and sufficient floorspace for the animals to stand up, sit down, turn about freely using normal body movements without the head touching the top of the primary enclosure, lie down with limbs outstretched, exercise normal postural movement, move about freely as appropriate for the species, age, size, and condition of the animal, and, when appropriate, to experience socialization with other animals, if any, in the primary enclosure. However, when freedom of movement would endanger the animal, temporarily and appropriately restricting movement of the animal in a humane manner is permitted.
adequate space means not more than one person per square meter of floor space; ‘clinical case’2 means a patient that presents with clinical signs and symptoms of COVID-19;