Examples of Advisory Committee Member in a sentence
Their efforts to provide a useful resource for clinical social work supervisors and supervisees are greatly appreciated.The following individuals served on the LSCSW Supervisor Manual Sub-Committee: Carolyn Szafran, LSCSW, Social Work Board Member, Co-chair of the Advisory CommitteeMarcia Simoneau, LSCSW, Social Work Board Member, Co-chair of the Advisory CommitteeCarl Myers, LSCSW, Social Work Advisory Committee Member Sheri Hilger, LSCSW, Social Work Advisory Committee Member Max L.
The appeal to the TAC subcommittee should be sent to:UNC-GA Transfer Advisory Committee Member CAA Appeal, PO Box 2688, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 If a consensus is reached by the subcommittee, the student will be notified within 15 business days; if a consensus resolution is not reached, the appeal will be forwarded by the subcommittee to the full TAC within 10 business days.
Therefore, ideas raised in the process of the dialogue, prior to agreement by the whole group, are for discussion purposes only and should not be construed to reflect the final position of a Advisory Committee Member or his or her constituent group.
The Corporation agrees to provide the Advisory Committee Member with all historical and current public regulatory filings and such other documentation as is required by the Advisory Committee Member to assist in the compilation of the Corporation’s profile on an ongoing basis.
The Advisory Committee Member shall provide advisory services to the Corporation, its subsidiary companies and to its Directors in connection with the objectives.