Examples of Agricultural drainage well in a sentence
In addition to specifications defined herein, rule 27—10.84(161A) specifications shall apply.12.76(1) Agricultural drainage well closure.
It is not intended to be a substitute for future agricultural drainage well assistance programs authorized in Iowa Code section 159.29 that will be developed in conjunction with the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship’s agricultural drainage well research and demonstration project.12.74(1) Eligible practices.a. Agricultural drainage well plugging and cistern removal.b. Tile outlet from plugged agricultural drainage well to a suitable, legal outlet.12.74(2) Implementation of practice.
ARC 8755B, IAB 5/19/10, effective 7/1/10; ARC 0737C, IAB 5/15/13, effective 7/1/13] 27—12.74(161C) Agricultural drainage well closure.
Structural BMPs, which are engineered and constructed systems that are used to treat the stormwater at either the point of generation or the point of discharge to either the storm sewer system or to receiving waters (e.g., detention ponds or constructed wetlands).[ARC 8755B, IAB 5/19/10, effective 7/1/10] 27—12.74(161C) Agricultural drainage well closure.
ARC 8755B, IAB 5/19/10, effective 7/1/10; ARC 0737C, IAB 5/15/13, effective 7/1/13]27—12.74(161C) Agricultural drainage well closure.
ARC 8755B, IAB 5/19/10, effective 7/1/10; ARC 0737C, IAB 5/15/13, effective 7/1/13]IAC 5/15/13 Soil Conservation[27] Ch 12, p.5 27—12.74(161C) Agricultural drainage well closure.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Technical Information Series 15, 1988, Guidelines for Plugging Abandoned Water Wells.12.76(5) Agricultural drainage well plugging and cistern removal.
USDA-NRCS-Iowa, Field Office Technical Guide, Section IV, Code No. 312, January 1997.12.76(4) Agricultural drainage well closure.
It is not intended to be a substitute for future agricultural drainage well assistance programs au- thorized in Iowa Code section 159.29 that will be developed in conjunction with the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship’s agricultural drainage well research and demonstration project.12.74(1) Eligible practices.a. Agricultural drainage well plugging and cistern removal.b. Tile outlet from plugged agricultural drainage well to a suitable, legal outlet.12.74(2) Implementation of practice.
Agricultural drainage well,* Known sinkhole, or* Major water source.