Agricultural burning definition

Agricultural burning means open outdoor fires used in agricultural operations in the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals, or open outdoor fires used in forest management, range improvement, or the improvement of land for wildlife and game habitat, or disease or pest prevention.
Agricultural burning also means open outdoor fires used in the operation or maintenance of a system for the delivery of water for the purposes specified in paragraph (1).
Agricultural burning also means open outdoor fires used in wildland vegetation management burning. Wildland vegetation management burning is the use of prescribed burning conducted by a public agency, or through a cooperative agreement or contract involving a public agency, to burn land predominantly covered with chaparral, trees, grass, or standing brush. Prescribed burning is the planned application of fire to vegetation to achieve any specific objective on lands selected in advance of that application. The planned application of fire may also include natural or accidental ignition.

Examples of Agricultural burning in a sentence

  • Agricultural burning permits shall be approved by the Agency prior to burning.

  • Agricultural burning of vegetative residue on an area of land used in an agricultural operation.

  • For fire safety regulations, see county requirements and (Agricultural burning is requlated by the State Department of Health, Clean Air Branch.

  • The following terms that are used in this section are defined in§ 49.123 General provisions: Agricultural burning, air pollutant, ambient air, emission, forestry or silvicultural burning, open burning, particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, Regional Administrator, stack, and uncombined water.§ 49.133 Rule for agricultural burning permits.

  • Alfalfa Seed Production --- Agricultural burning in alfalfa seed production (seed for growing alfalfa, not sprouts) is generally acceptable when the situation meets one of the following criteria: Field scale burning of alfalfa residue during late winter when alfalfa seed will be harvested (for seed, not sprouts) from the field the next season.

More Definitions of Agricultural burning

Agricultural burning means the burning of crop residues for field preparation or that is otherwise used for the production of a crop.
Agricultural burning means the burning of vegetative debris from an agricultural operation necessary for disease or pest control, necessary for crop propagation and/or crop rotation, or ((where)) identified as a best management practice by the agricultural burning practices and research task force established in RCW 70A.((94))15. ((6528))5090 or other authoritative source on agricultural practices. Propane flaming ((for the purpose)) of vegetative debris ((removal)) is considered commercial agricultural burning.
Agricultural burning means burning of vegetative debris from an agricultural operation necessary for disease or pest control, nec- essary for crop propagation and/or crop rotation, necessary to destroy weeds or crop residue along farm fence rows, irrigation ditches, or farm drainage ditches, or where identified as a best management prac- tice by the agricultural burning practices and research task force es- tablished in RCW ((70.94.6528)) 70A.15.5090 or other authoritative source on agricultural practices.
Agricultural burning means burning of vegetative materials related to the production and harvesting of crops and raising of animals for the purpose of marketing for profit, or providing a livelihood, but not including the burning of household waste or prohibited materials. Burning may be conducted in fields, piles, ditch banks, fence rows, or canal laterals for purposes such as weed control, disease and pest prevention, or site preparation.
Agricultural burning means “agricultural burning” as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 39011.
Agricultural burning. Means the burning of vege- tative debris from an agricultural operation necessary for dis- ease or pest control, necessary for crop propagation or crop rotation, or where identified as a best management practice by the agricultural burning practices and research task force established in RCW 70.94.6528(6) or other authoritative source on agricultural practices. Propane flaming for the pur- pose of vegetative debris removal is considered commercial agricultural burning.
Agricultural burning means open outdoor fires used in agricultural operations in the growing of crops; raising of fowl, animals, or bees; forest management burning; range improvement burning; or the improvement of land for wildlife habitat, or disease or pest prevention.