Agricultural purposes definition

Agricultural purposes. ’ means purposes normally or otherwise reasonably associated with the use of land for agricultural activities, including the use of land for structures, buildings and dwelling units reasonably necessary for or related to
Agricultural purposes means the producing, raising, growing, or harvesting of food or fiber upon agricultural land, including dairy products, livestock, crops, timber, and grasslands. Land leased solely for hunting, fishing, or trapping is not considered agricultural purposes.
Agricultural purposes means land where animals or birds are kept for grazing, breeding, raising, boarding, training, or for the tillage of soil rowing, harvesting of vegetables, fruits, field crops or landscaping materials;

Examples of Agricultural purposes in a sentence

  • Section 6 (6): Where land in respect of which a customary right of occupancy is revoked under this Act was used for Agricultural purposes by the holder, the local Government shall allocate to such holder alternative land for use for the same purpose.

  • Any part of an irrigation system historically used to produce an Agricultural product on property used for Agricultural purposes as defined in these Regulations.

  • The proposed legislative changes CAO Chapman speaks of would change those items.

  • Present use of Khas & Other public lands that will be used for the EZ (Indicate all that apply):[ ] Agricultural purposes [ ] Residential purposes [ ] Commercial purposes[ ] Other purposes (Indicate)# of persons/household using the land: …… # of households living on the land: ……..…# of persons/household using the land: …… # of persons/household using the land: …… # of shops: …….

  • Only supplies made for Agricultural purposes shall be considered.

More Definitions of Agricultural purposes

Agricultural purposes means agricultural as distinct from pastoral purposes and includes the cultivation of the soil and the growing of crops in conjunction with the grazing of stock, and “agriculture” has a corresponding meaning; “Xxxxxx Creek dam site” means the land (subject to survey) delineated and shaded green in the plan marked “B” initialled by or on behalf of the parties hereto for the purpose of identification and such other land as the parties hereto may agree upon from time to time; “associated company” means —
Agricultural purposes means clearing, terracing or
Agricultural purposes means purposes directly related to the production of agricultural commodities and the conducting of ordinary activities on the farm;
Agricultural purposes means agricultural activities related to crop production, production and management of poultry and livestock, land application of waste materials, and management of forestland incidental to agricultural production.
Agricultural purposes means the producing, raising, growing, or harvesting of food or fiber upon agricultural land.
Agricultural purposes means clearing, terracing or otherwise preparing the ground on a farm; preparing soil for planting and fertilizing, cultivating, raising and harvesting crops; raising and feeding livestock and poultry; building fences; pumping water for any and all uses on the farm, including irrigation; building roads upon any farm by the owner or person farming same; operating milking machines; sawing wood for use on a farm; producing electricity for use on a farm; movement of tractors, farm implements and equipment from one field to another and use of farm tractors to move farm products from farm to market;
Agricultural purposes means farming operations of plowing, tilling, planting, cultivating and harvesting on the Leased Premises, in a manner consistent with Good Farming Practices (defined hereinbelow).