Examples of Air Quality Control Region in a sentence
Each major source emitting 100 tons per year located in a Priority I Air Quality Control Region, shall submit to the Department a legally enforceable Emergency Episode Action Plan (EEAP) that details how the source will curtail emissions during an air pollutant emergency episode.
The permittee shall comply with the requirements contained in Chapter 9.7 of the State of Montana Air Quality Control Implementation Plan.Each major source emitting 100 tons per year located in a Priority I Air Quality Control Region, shall submit to the Department a legally enforceable Emergency Episode Action Plan (EEAP) that details how the source will curtail emissions during an air pollutant emergency episode.
Each major source emitting 100 tons per year located in a Priority I Air Quality Control Region, shall submit to DEQ a legally enforceable Emergency Episode Action Plan (EEAP) that details how the source will curtail emissions during an air pollutant emergency episode.
Matagorda and Brazoria Counties are part of the Metropolitan Houston-Galveston Intrastate Air Quality Control Region (AQCR) (Reference 5.8-4).
Each major source emitting 100 tons per year located in a Priority I Air Quality Control Region, shall submit to the Department a legally enforceable Emergency Episode Action Plan (EEAP)that details how the source will curtail emissions during an air pollutant emergency episode.