Examples of Erosion and sediment control plan in a sentence
Erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted when applying for grading permit as per MMC sec.
For projects not requiring Entitlement, a separate CEQA document is required per section 15.28.080.B□ Estimated quantity of cut and fill□ Haul route if excess fill is to be placed on land within the City of Rocklin Erosion and sediment control plan (ESC plan) showing temporary drainage 2 sets Structural Calculations for Retaining walls and Sound walls (if applicable) 2 copies of soils report 2 copies Engineer’s cost estimate breakdown of improvements included on the plans with 10% contingency added.
Erosion and sediment control plan means a document containing the requirements of section 18- 144 that, when implemented, will decrease soil erosion on a parcel of land being developed, as well as off-site sediment damages.
Mayor Trett made a call to Representative Schrader’s office requesting that he call Mayor Trett to discuss the lake issue.2. Mayor Trett thanked everyone involved including Elizabeth Smith and Candi Page regarding making last weekend a success.
Deficiencies Noted: • Erosion and sediment control plan review protocols for new development and redevelopment are not formalized.Although basic erosion and sediment control practices are required on site plans, a standardized procedure has not been developed for their review and approval.