Examples of Resource recovery facility in a sentence
Resource recovery facility - this represents the cost incurred by the MRC in establishing the tangible assets at the, Resource Recovery Facility (RRF), but also comprises a significant capitalised intangible asset in respect of the contract and legal costs incurred.
Light Manufacturing P -- Solid Waste Treatment and Recycling C (L) Conditional uses limited to: Recycling collection center; Waste transfer station; and Resource recovery facility.
Resource recovery facility to comply with district recycling plan 13:1E-99.32.
Resource recovery facility" means any facility at which solid waste is processed for the purpose of extracting, converting to energy, or otherwise separating and preparing solid waste for reuse.
These threats include:• Rapid growth of the waste stream.• Recycling problems and market volatility.• Resource recovery facility closures.• Infrastructure maintenance needs and improvements.• Waste management business consolidations.• Increased landfilling.