Alaska Nanuuq Commission definition
Examples of Alaska Nanuuq Commission in a sentence
The Secretary may utilize by agreement, with or without reimbursement, the personnel, services, and facilities of any other Federal agency, any State agency, or the Alaska Nanuuq Commission for purposes of carrying out this subchapter or the Agreement.
The Secretary, acting through the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, may share authority under this subchapter for the management of the taking of polar bears for subsistence purposes with the Alaska Nanuuq Commission if such commission is eligible under subsection (b).
The Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of State and the Alaska Nanuuq Commission on matters involving the implementation of the Agreement.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has general responsibilities for conservation and management of polar bears, in partnership with the State of Alaska, the Alaska Nanuuq Commission and the North Slope Borough (Parties to the 1973 Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears, 2009b; United States Fish and Wildlife Service 2009).
The Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals6 “is a coalition of tribal marine mammal commissions, councils and other Native organizations formed for the purpose of identifying and addressing marine mammal issues of common concern.” Included among the member organizations are the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, Eskimo Walrus Commission, Alaska Nanuuq Commission, Ice Seal Committee, Alaska Beluga Whale Committee, and others.
Relevant Conservation and Management Agencies: Marine Mammal Commission, Kawerak Natural Resources, Eskimo Walrus Commission, Alaska Nanuuq Commission, Norton Sound Economic Development, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Area Description Contributors: M.
The recommendation for a review of co-management was reiterated to MMC at the Fall 2016 IPCoMM Board of Director’s meeting after FWS determined that it could no longer provide funding to the Alaska Nanuuq Commission (ANC; at that time the ANC was the ANO focused on polar bears), and in light of the overall condition of co-management relationships between ANOs and their partner federal agencies.
The AEWC, the Alaska Beluga Whale Committee, the Eskimo Walrus Commission, the Ice Seal Committee, and the Alaska Nanuuq Commission decided in September 2012 to work together on these issues under the umbrella of the Arctic Marine Mammal Coalition .
The dates for the North Slope meetings are:June 14, 3:30 pm, Harold Kaveolook School June 16, noon, Point Lay Community Center June 18, 1:00 pm, Nuiqsut Community Center June 20, 10:00 am, Wainwright City Building June 21, 1:00 pm, Qalgi Center, Point Hope June, date-time-place TBD, UtqiaġvikIn 2000, the U.S. and Russia, along with the former Alaska Nanuuq Commission, signed a treaty to manage Alaska-Chukotka (Chukchi Sea) polar bears through a bilateral agreement.
The term "Alaska Nanuuq Commission" means the Alaska Native entity, in existence on January 12, 2007, that represents all villages in the State of Alaska that engage in the annual subsistence taking of polar bears from the Alaska-Chukotka population and any successor entity.