Planning Commission definition

Planning Commission means the City’s Planning Commission.
Planning Commission means the Planning Commission of the City.
Planning Commission means a plan commission under s. 62.23, or if none a board of public land commissioners, or if none a planning committee of the local legislative body.

Examples of Planning Commission in a sentence

  • The Planning Commission of the City of Corona shall have determined, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402, that the City’s acquisition of fee title to the Donated Property pursuant to this Agreement is consistent with the City of Corona General Plan.

  • The Planning Commission may review the City’s Shoreline Master Program as part of regular updates required by RCW 90.58.080 as a major element of the City's planning and regulatory program, and make recommendations for amendments to the City Council.

  • On , the Planning Commission, after giving notice pursuant to Government Code §§ 65090, 65091, 65092 and 65094, held a public hearing on the Developer’s application for this Agreement and, upon the conclusion of the hearing, found on the basis of substantial evidence that this Agreement is consistent with the General Plan, Specific Plan and all other applicable policy plans of the City and recommended the City Council introduce an ordinance to approve this Agreement (DA- ).

  • Make written recommendations to the Hearing Examiner, Planning Commission, or City Council as appropriate, including recommendations to grant or deny shoreline conditional use permits and shoreline variance permits.

  • Adopt all amendments to Xxxx’s Shoreline Master Program, after consideration of the recommendation of the Planning Commission, if established.

More Definitions of Planning Commission

Planning Commission means a county planning commission created under ORS chapter 215
Planning Commission or “Commission” shall mean the Planning Commission of the City and County of San Francisco.
Planning Commission means an organization established for local planning by local government or governments in accordance with the laws of this state;
Planning Commission means that body as defined in chapter 36.70, 35.63, or 35A.63 RCW as designated by the legislative body to perform a planning function or that body assigned such duties and responsibilities under a city or county charter.
Planning Commission means the Planning Commission of the County of
Planning Commission means a plan commission under
Planning Commission means the Commission of the Planning Department, or any successor governing body of the Planning Department designated by or under law.