All-Electric definition

All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery, fuel cell, or the grid.
All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery, a hydrogen fuel cell, or an electricity grid.
All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery,

Examples of All-Electric in a sentence

  • Up to 75% of the cost of a Repower with a new All-Electric engine(s), including the costs of installation of such engine(s), and charging infrastructure associated with the new All-Electric engine(s).

  • Up to 75% of the cost of a new All-Electric Freight Switcher, including charging infrastructure associated with the new All-Electric Freight Switcher.

  • Eligible Freight Switchers may be Repowered with any new diesel or Alternate Fueled or All-Electric engine(s) (including Generator Sets), or may be replaced with any new diesel or Alternate Fueled or All-Electric (including Generator Sets) Freight Switcher, that is certified to meet the applicable EPA emissions standards (or other more stringent equivalent State standard) as published in the CFR for the engine model year in which the Eligible Freight Switcher Mitigation Action occurs.

  • Up to 75% of the cost of a new All-Electric Forklift or Port Cargo Handling Equipment, including charging infrastructure associated with such new All-Electric Forklift or Port Cargo Handling Equipment.

  • Up to 75% of the cost of a Repower with a new All-Electric engine, including costs of installation of such engine, and charging infrastructure associated with such new All-Electric engine.

  • Up to 100% of the cost of a Repower with a new All-Electric engine(s), including the costs of installation of such engine(s), and charging infrastructure associated with the new All-Electric engine(s).

  • Up to 100% of the cost of a new All-Electric Freight Switcher, including charging infrastructure associated with the new All-Electric Freight Switcher.

  • Up to 100% of the cost of a Repower with a new All-Electric engine, including costs of installation of such engine, and charging infrastructure associated with such new All-Electric engine.

  • Eligible Forklifts and Port Cargo Handling Equipment may be Repowered with an All-Electric engine, or may be replaced with the same equipment in an All-Electric form.

  • Up to 100% of the cost of a new All-Electric Forklift or Port Cargo Handling Equipment, including charging infrastructure associated with such new All-Electric Forklift or Port Cargo Handling Equipment.

More Definitions of All-Electric

All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery, fuel cell, or
All-Electric means lacking a supplementary engine. The Tesla luxury sports car and the BMW Mini E Cooper contrast sharply in price but both offer silent, quick per- formance. Lithium-ion batteries make possible increased range and acceleration compared with older, heavier, lead
All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery, fuel cell, or the grid. “Alternate Fueled” shall mean an engine, or a vehicle or piece of equipment that is powered by an
All-Electric means powered exclusively by electricity provided by a battery, a hydrogen fuel cell, or the grid.

Related to All-Electric

  • Municipal electric utility means a municipal corporation that owns or operates facilities to generate, transmit, or distribute electricity.

  • NEC Electronics as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries.

  • Pure electric vehicle (PEV) means a vehicle equipped with a powertrain containing exclusively electric machines as propulsion energy converters and exclusively rechargeable electric energy storage systems as propulsion energy storage systems.

  • Bulk Electric System shall have the meaning provided for in the NERC Glossary of Terms used in Reliability Standards, as it may be amended, supplemented, or restated from time to time.

  • electrical and electronic equipment or ‘EEE’ means equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 volts for alternating current and 1 500 volts for direct current;

  • Telecommunications systems means voice, record, and data communications, including management information systems and local data networks that connect to external transmission media, when employed by Government agencies, contractors, and subcontractors to transmit—

  • Gas Corporation means the body corporate established by section 4 of the Gas Corporation Act 1994;

  • Electric Service means the furnishing of electric power and energy for lighting, heating, power, or any other purpose for which electric power and energy can be used;

  • Telecommunications System means a system for conveying visual images, sounds or other information by electronic means;

  • Neighborhood electric vehicle means a self-propelled

  • Electric provider means any of the following:

  • Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.

  • Electric utility means any person that generates, transmits, or distributes electric energy for use by

  • Electric System means all electrical wires, equipment, and other facilities owned or provided by the utility that are used to transmit electricity to customers.

  • Electric public utility means a public utility, as that term is

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and, as

  • Master electrician means a person licensed under this chapter as a master

  • Gas appliance means any device that uses natural gas to produce light, heat, power, steam, hot water, refrigeration, or air conditioning.

  • Electric vehicle means a road vehicle that draws propulsion energy only from an on-board source of electrical energy.

  • Electric company means any person that proposes to construct, erect, maintain, or operate an electric line, wire, or cable in Iowa.

  • State Systems means the information technology infrastructure, including the computers, software, databases, electronic systems (including database management systems) and networks, of the State or any of its designees.

  • TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.

  • Mobile telecommunications service means the same as that term is defined in the federal "Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act,'' 4 U.S.C. s.124 (Pub.L.106-252).

  • Prepaid wireless telecommunications service means a wireless communications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other nontelecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, content and ancillary services, which must be paid for in advance, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the amount declines with use in a known amount.