Municipal general election definition

Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and, as
Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and, as applicable, local districts on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered year for the purposes established in Section 20A-1-202.
Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and local

Examples of Municipal general election in a sentence

  • Subject to service and coverage conditions and the provisions of applicable state laws, an employee who is scheduled to work and who is eligible to vote in a National, State, County or Municipal general election shall, upon request, be excused with pay for a reasonable period on such election day to enable the employee to vote; provided, however, that the Company shall specify the period during which such an employee will be excused.

  • Prior to the Municipal general election to be held in November, 1981, the composition of the Council shall be determined in accordance with the transitional provisions contained in Section 12.02 of this Charter.

  • The Custodian will use reasonable care in selecting any Zurich Sub-Custodian.

  • Prior to the Municipal general election to be held in November, 1983; the person holding the office of Mayor-President of Council shall be determined in accordance with the transitional provisions contained in Section 12.02 of this Charter.

More Definitions of Municipal general election

Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and special
Municipal general election means the biennial municipal election to be held on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each odd numbered year at which time the qualified voters shall choose city and ward officers.
Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and special districts on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered
Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities and local districts on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each
Municipal general election means the biennial municipal election to be held on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each odd numbered year at which time the qualified voters shall choose city and ward officers. If the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November falls on a religious or secular holiday then, upon petition of two hundred (200) persons registered to vote within the city of Manchester, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen may set the municipal general election on another date. The form of the petition shall be set by the City Clerk. The petition shall be submitted to the City Clerk no sooner than the December 1st and no later than the January 2nd prior to the municipal general election. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall act the petition within forty (40) days of its receipt by the City Clerk.
Municipal general election means the election held in municipalities on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered year.
Municipal general election means the City Election held on the second Tuesday of March in every even numbered year.