Examples of Amateur service in a sentence
The ama- teur service, the amateur-satellite service and the radio amateur civil emergency service.(4) Amateur service.
However despite the lack of a formal allocation in 2008, and because there was limited support for a 70 MHz secondary allocation to the amateur service the following note was approved to be included in the ECA: EU9 - In a growing number of CEPT countries, parts of the band 70.0-70.5 MHz are also allocated to the Amateur service on a secondary basis.
This band is currently allocated to Radio Location Services on a primary basis and to the Amateur service and Earth Exploration-Satellite service (active) on a secondary basis.
In summary the requirement is to secure within the body of the ECA a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the band 69.9 – 70.5 MHz and in addition a modification to footnote EU9 as follows: EU9 - CEPT countries may authorize all or parts of the band 69.9-70.5 MHz to the Amateur service on a secondary basis.
Amateur service stations are permitted to transmit in the 5.85-5.925 GHz frequency segment on a secondary basis.