Amended Date definition
Examples of Amended Date in a sentence
The current price lists for the Symantec Products as of the Amended Date is set forth as Exhibit A to this Agreement.
This percentage will be revisited by the Parties and may be adjusted by a mutually signed amendment on the first anniversary of the Amended Date.
Date Adopted: Date Amended: Date Reviewed:Date of Next Review:December 200911 March 201411 March 2014February 2019GUIDELINES AND POLICY PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE FOOD ACT 2008 INTERPRETATION Food Act 2008 The City’s ‘Environmental Health Officers’ are approved as ‘Authorised Officers’ under the Food Act 2008 (the Act); the terms are interchangeable in this document.
This Ninth Amendment to The Amended and Restated Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement (the “Amendment Eight”) is made as of the Amendment Eight Effective Date, as defined below, and shall serve to amend the Amended and Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement, with an Amended Date of July 1, 2003, by and between Symantec Corporation, Symantec Limited and Digital River, Inc.
This Fourth Amendment to The Amended and Restated Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement (the “Amendment Four”) is made as of the Amendment Four Effective Date, as defined in Section 1 below, and shall serve to amend the Amended and Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement, with an Amended Date of July 1, 2003, by and between Symantec Corporation, Symantec Limited and Digital River, Inc.
The Partner Efficiency Sharing Model will be revisited by the Parties and may be adjusted by a mutually signed amendment on the second anniversary of the Amended Date.
This Tenth Amendment to The Amended and Restated Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement (the “Amendment Ten”) is made as of the Amendment Ten Effective Date, as defined below, and shall serve to amend the Amended and Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement, with an Amended Date of July 1, 2003, by and between Symantec Corporation, Symantec Limited and Digital River, Inc.
The Parties agree that the following subsections (1.2) through (1.5) shall apply to all distribution by Digital River under the Agreement of packaged products to countries in the European Region (as defined in Section 3(i) of the Agreement), including countries that are added to the definition of “European Region” by any future amendment to the Agreement after the Amended Date of this Agreement.
This Sixth Amendment to The Amended and Restated Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement (the “Amendment Six”) is made as of the Amendment Six Effective Date, as defined in Section 1 below, and shall serve to amend the Amended and Authorized Symantec Electronic Reseller for Shop Symantec Agreement, with an Amended Date of July 1, 2003, by and between Symantec Corporation, Symantec Limited and Digital River, Inc.
The Committee may request the external auditors as well as any director or member of management or employee of the Corporation or IBI Group or any subsidiary, outside counsel of the Corporation or IBI Group, or others, to attend a meeting of the Committee or to meet with members of, or advisors to, the Committee and to provide any information about the Corporation, IBI Group or its subsidiaries as the Committee may deem appropriate.