American plaice definition

American plaice means Hippoglossoides platessoides, Dab.
American plaice means Hippoglossoides platessoides, Dab. “American shad” means Alosa sapidissima.

Examples of American plaice in a sentence

  • The recreational American plaice fishery shall operate on a May 1 through April 30 fishing year.

  • The commercial American plaice fishery shall operate on a May 1 through April 30 fishing year.

  • Target stocks include: GOM cod, GB cod, GOM haddock, GB haddock, GOM winter flounder, GB winter flounder, SNE/MA winter flounder, Cape Cod (CC)/GOM yellowtail flounder, GB yellowtail flounder, SNE/MA yellowtail flounder, Pollock, redfish, white hake, Atlantic halibut, American plaice, witch flounder, Atlantic sea scallops, red crab, Atlantic herring, monkfish, summer flounder, black sea bass, scup, Longfin squid, Illex squid, Atlantic mackerel, surfclams, ocean quahogs, and tilefish.

  • However, NAFO Fisheries Commission decided that no directed fisheries would be permitted for this stock and some other groundfish fisheries (cod, American plaice and witch flounder) on the Grand Bank during 1994.

  • In contrast, American plaice is mostly restricted to shelf areas of the Grand Banks and the Flemish Cap.

  • Yellowtail flounder and white hake are managed by NAFO, American plaice, redfish and witch flounder are jointly managed by NAFO and DFO, and DFO sets TAC values for the remaining four species.

  • This meeting focused on operationalizing the Precautionary Approach into management plans for the three stocks evaluated in 1999, but the Working Group also developed an implementation plan for American plaice in Div.

  • The Offshore GOM Differential DAS Area applies to the following stocks of regulated species: GOM had- dock, white hake, pollock, redfish, witch flounder, American plaice, and Atlantic halibut.

  • A kite-assisted codend cover was developed and used during the tests.Selectivity properties for cod, yellowtail flounder, American plaice, and witch flounder were determined.

  • However, in recent years it appears to be a mixed American plaice and witch flounder fishery by otter trawlers.

Related to American plaice

  • financial service means a service of a financial nature, including insurance, and a service incidental or auxiliary to a service of a financial nature;

  • International means a telecommunications service that originates or terminates in the United States and terminates or originates outside the United States, respectively. United States includes the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory or possession.