Anadromous definition

Anadromous means fish that migrate up rivers and streams from the ocean to breed in fresh water.
Anadromous means fish which migrate from saltwater to freshwater for spawning.
Anadromous means fish which migrate from saltwater to freshwater for spawning. “Aquatic habitat" means the waters which support fish or other organisms which live in water

Examples of Anadromous in a sentence

  • This division implements and oversees the distribution of grants for two national (Inter-jurisdictional Fisheries Act and Anadromous Fish Conservation Act) and two regional (Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act and Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act) programs.

  • The Anadromous Fish Con- servation Act, 16 U.S.C. 757a through 757f.

  • Service (USFWS) and other Bureaus: Anadromous and certain other fishes and wildlife, including endangered and threatened species, migratory birds, and certain marine mammals; waters and wetlands; and effects on natural re- sources.

  • NWP 7 - Outfall Structures and Associated Intake Structures Conditions for Intakes in Anadromous Fish Waters: When an intake is proposed in designated anadromous fish waters, the following design parameters will be incorporated as permit conditions to protect the sensitive life stages of shellfish, resident and anadromous fish: 1.

  • Also, Policies and Procedures for Columbia Basin Anadromous Salmonid Hatcheries (Genetic Policy Chapter 5, IHOT 1995).

More Definitions of Anadromous

Anadromous means a species of aquatic life that spawns in freshwater and migrates to salt water to complete its life cycle as an adult;
Anadromous means fish that are born in freshwater, migrate to and live a portion of their lives in saltwater, and then return to freshwater to reproduce.
Anadromous means fish which migrate from open water bodies to river systems to spawn;
Anadromous means species, such as salmon, which are hatched in fresh water, spend a large part of their lives in the sea, and return to fresh water rivers and streams to reproduce.
Anadromous means, in its zoological context, “[a]scending to rivers to spawn.” Oxford English Dictionary,
Anadromous means fish that live part or the majority of their lives in saltwater, but return to freshwater to spawn.
Anadromous means fish migrating up rivers and streams from the sea to breed in fresh water.