Animal fat definition

Animal fat means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility as a product of rendering the by-products from meat processing facilities including animal parts, fat, and bone. "Yellow grease" must be reported under an applicable animal fat pathway if evidence is not provided to the verifier or ecology to confirm the quantity that is animal fat and the quantity that is used cooking oil.
Animal fat means a triglyceride of animal origin,
Animal fat means any fat of animal origin, excluding milk fat and marine fat;

Examples of Animal fat in a sentence

  • Animal fat means a non-petroleum oil, fat, or grease of animal, fish, or marine mammal origin.

  • Animal fat hydrolysis and DHSA synthesis were conducted in a mechanically stirred cylindrical jacketed glass reactor (5 L).

  • Animal fat was a kind gi from Subproductos C´arnicos Eche- varria y Asociados S.L (Cervera, Spain).

  • Animal fat consumption and prostate cancer: a prospective study in Hawaii.

  • Animal fat and other vegetables will be stored in large diameter storage tanks prior to being fed to the process and converted to Biodiesel.

More Definitions of Animal fat

Animal fat means a non-petroleum oil, fat, or grease of animal, fish, or marine mammal origin. Animal fats are further classified based on specific gravity as fol- lows:
Animal fat means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility as a product of rendering the by-products from meat processing facilities including animal parts, fat and bone. The primary animal fats used in the biofuel industry include inedible tallow from processing cattle, inedible choice white grease from swine processing, and inedible poultry fat. “Yellow grease” must be characterized as animal fat if evidence is not provided to the verifier or ARB to confirm that it is solely UCO.
Animal fat means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility as a product of rendering the by-products from meat processing facilities including animal parts, fat and bone. “Yellow grease” must be reported under an applicable
Animal fat means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility as a product of rendering the by-products from meat processing facilities including animal parts, fat and bone. The primary animal fats used in the biofuel industry include inedible tallow from processing cattle, inedible choice white grease from swine processing, and inedible
Animal fat means fat of a saaughtered Hilal animal, including hard fat obtained from suet;
Animal fat means fat of a slaughtered Halal animals including chicken and birds and hard fat obtained from suet;
Animal fat means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility as a product of rending the by-products from meat processing facilities, including animal parts, fat, and bone. “Animal fat” includes all yellow grease except for the quantity of the yellow grease that is used cooking oil as documented by evidence provided to a verifier or DEQ.