Examples of Antarctic Convergence in a sentence
If possible, all waste will be held in tanks and disposed of when the ship is north of the Antarctic Convergence.
The IOTC area of competence is defined as FAO statistical Areas 51 and 57, extending South to the Antarctic Convergence.
The term ‘‘Antarctic marine living re- sources’’ means the population of finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and all other species of living organisms, including birds, found south of the Antarctic Convergence.
The area of competence of the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Area”) shall be the Indian Ocean (defined for the purpose of this Agreement as being FAO statistical areas 51 and 57 as shown on the map set out in Annex A to this Agreement) and adjacent seas, north of the Antarctic Convergence, insofar as it is necessary to cover such seas for the purpose of conserving and managing stocks that migrate into or out of the Indian Ocean.
The area of application of the Convention is the region south of a line which approximates the position of the Antarctic Convergence, the place where colder polar waters meet more temperate waters to the north and which forms an effective biological barrier to most Southern Ocean species.
As at December 31, 2018, accounts receivable includes allowance for doubtful accounts of $3,622 (2017 – $971), amounts due from BCMA Agencies Limited of $184,213 (2017 – $108,836) (note 6) and amounts due from related parties of 7.
Antarctic krill occurs throughout most of the waters south of the Antarctic Convergence but is most abundant closer to the Antarctic continent and around some of the Antarctic and sub Antarctic islands.
The area of competence of the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Area") shall be the Indian Ocean (defined for the purpose of this Agreement as being FAO statistical areas 51 and 57 as shown on the map set out in Annex A to this Agreement) and adjacent seas, north of the Antarctic Convergence, insofar as it is necessary to cover such seas for the purpose of conserving and managing stocks that migrate into or out of the Indian Ocean.
The two big physical drivers in the Southern Ocean are the major flows (the Antarctic Convergence is the fastest moving in world) and the extent of its sea-ice.In the center of the food web is krill, which dominates most of the pathways to other species at both higher and lower levels.
The assessment identified many significant properties in the Ross Sea, including its unique assemblage of an intact food web with top predators, important breeding areas for substantial proportions of many Antarctic bird and marine mammal species, sensitive ice-dependent communities and circulation systems near the Antarctic Convergence Zone, and one of the most natural (i.e. least impacted) areas in the marine environment.