Examples of Appeal Award in a sentence
In considering what sums of money have been expended by the Contractors in rendering the services and/or in fixing the amount of the Award and/or Appeal Award the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator shall to such an extent and insofar as it may be fair and just in all the circumstances give effect to the consequences of any change or changes in the relevant rates of exchange which may have occurred between the date of termination of the services and the date on which the Award or Appeal Award is made.
Any party may apply to make such representations to the Arbitrator provided a written notice of its intention to do so is received by the Council no later than 21 days after the date on which the Award or Appeal Award was published by the Council.
Mark was awarded the Ariadne Danilow Music Prize (Victoria University) and the Sir Alan Stewart Postgraduate Scholarship (Massey University) in 2008, and the University of Auckland Partnership Appeal Award in 2014, enabling him to pursue postgraduate qualifications.
Any party may apply to make such representations to the Arbitrator (with all other parties in copy) provided a written notice of its intention to do so is received by the Council no later than 21 days after the date on which the Award or Appeal Award was published by the Council.
In considering whatsumsof money have been expended by the Contractors in rendering the services and/or infixing the amount of the Award and/or Appeal Award the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator shall to such an extent and insofar as it may be fair and just in all the circumstances give effect to the consequences of any change or changes in the relevant rates of exchange which may have occurred between the date of termination ofthe services and the date on which the Award or Appeal Award is made.
Any party may make such representations to the Arbitrator provided a written notice of its intention to do so is received by the Council no later than 21 days after the date on which the Award or Appeal Award was published by the Council and the representations themselves are submitted in writing to the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator within 21 days of the date of the notice of intention.
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEECouncilmember Gradowski reported on Christmas decorations and the Curb Appeal Award.
Formula for Calculating Weekend Penalty Rates, Xxxx Publishing Group Order No 1506 of 1987, Nationwide News No 1544 of 1987 Appeal Award Interpretation, WA Newspapers No C478 of 1990 Order, House Agreement Remote Entry, WA Newspapers Production Employees (Enterprise Bargaining) Agreement 1993, Metropolitan Daily Newspapers 1996 Negotiations.
The Council of Lloyd’s is entitled to make available the Award, Appeal Award and Reasons on www.lloydsagency.com (the website) subject to the conditions set out in Clause 12 of the LSSA Clauses.
Weiss, MD; * A copy of the Social Security Administration Disability Appeal Award of the claimant; * A copy of documents submitted to the Medical Review Organization in anticipation of receiving an MRO Review of this matter; and * A copy of the MRO report of PRO-NJ dated July 3, 2003.