Applicant child(ren definition
Examples of Applicant child(ren in a sentence
First-born child (the eldest child in the family irrespective of sex) (5 points) (Applicant children may claim only one of the relationships from 1 to 5)6.
The RPD found no persuasive evidence was placed before it to support the allegation that the Applicant children would face persecution upon their return to the Czech Republic.
Taipei citizens, domiciled in Taipei City with family members (including Applicant, children, and parents) whose income are under NT$33,252 per person per month, family property under NT$51,015 per person, and realty properties under NT$6,500,000 per household, will be subsidized for 3 months under the poverty line at least at the rate of NT$17,005 per month in 2020.
Documentary Evidence [35] The Applicants submit that the RPD ignored the documentary evidence concerning the treatment of the Roma population in the Czech Republic which should have been considered, 2011 FC 1376 (CanLII)given that it was central to whether the Applicant children would face persecution in the Czech Republic.
Applicant children who are unsuccessful in this category will be considered for a place in the next category that applies to them.
Emphasis added) [42] Although the Respondent is correct in pointing out that the Child Guidelines do not mandate a specific outcome, they provide a reason why the RPD should consider the objective documentary evidence in considering whether the Applicant children would face persecution as Roma children if deported to the Czech Republic.
The main reasons for the stock out, was highlighted as logistics difficulties, mainly lack of transport, which necessitated the extension of the plan of distribution from the provincial to the district level.