Apportionable vehicle definition

Apportionable vehicle means (except as provided below) any Power Unit that is used or intended for use in two or more Member Jurisdictions and that is used for the transportation of persons for hire or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, and:
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle that is used or intended for use in two or more international registration plan member jurisdictions that allocate or proportionally register vehicles, that is used for the transportation of persons for hire or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, and that meets any of the following qualifications:
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle, except

Examples of Apportionable vehicle in a sentence

  • An Apportionable vehicle is one that displays a restricted plate, has a gross weight in excess of 26k lbs and has three or more axels.

More Definitions of Apportionable vehicle

Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle that is 261 used or intended for use in two or more international
Apportionable vehicle means any power unit that is used or intended for use in two or more member jurisdictions and that is used for the transportation of persons for hire or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property if one of the following applies: (1) The power unit has two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight in excess of twenty-six thousand pounds. (2) The power unit has three or more axles, regardless of weight. (3) The power unit is used in combination, when the gross vehicle weight of such combination exceeds twenty-six thousand pounds.
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle that is used or intended for use in two or more international registration plan member jurisdictions that allocate or
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle, except recreational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates, city pick up and delivery vehicles, buses used in transportation of chartered parties, and Government-owned vehicles, used or intended for use in two or more member jurisdictions that allocate or proportionally register vehicles and is used for the transportation of persons for hire or designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and:
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle, except recreational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates, city pickup and delivery vehicles, buses used in transportation of chartered parties, and government owned vehicles that are used or intended for use in 2 or more member jurisdictions that allocate or proportionally register vehicles, in a fleet which is used for the transportation of persons for hire or the transportation of property and which has a gross vehicle weight in excess of 26,000 pounds; or has three or more axles regardless of weight; or is used in combination when the weight of such combination exceeds 26,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. Vehicles, or combinations having a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 pounds or less and two-axle vehicles may be proportionally registered at the option of such owner.
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle, except recreational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates, city pickup and delivery vehicles, buses used in transportation of chartered parties, and gov- ernment-owned vehicles, which is used or intended for use in two or more member jurisdictions that allocate or proportionally register ve- hicles and which is used for the transportation of persons for hire or is designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and:
Apportionable vehicle means any vehicle, except recre- ational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates, city pick up and delivery vehicles, buses used in transportation of chartered parties, and Governmental-owned vehicles, used or intended for use in two or more member jurisdic- tions that allocate or proportionally register vehicles and;