Examples of Aqueous electrolyte in a sentence
Aqueous electrolyte" means an electrolyte based on water solvent for the compounds (e.g. acids, bases) providing conducting ions after its dissociation.2.40.
Aqueous electrolyte solutions (100 mM) were freshly prepared on the day of experimentation.
Aqueous electrolyte" means an electrolyte based on water solvent for the compounds (e.g. acids, bases) providing conducting ions after its dissociation.2.34.
Aqueous electrolyte solutions were obtained using deionised water.
Aqueous electrolyte" means an electrolyte based on water solvent for the compounds (e.g. acids, bases) providing conducting ions after its dissociation.2.39.
Aqueous electrolyte solutions are of particular interest as the influence of the charges on the structure of the sur- rounding water is still controversial.
For the purpose of this regulation, the following definitions apply:3.1. "Active driving possible mode" means the vehicle mode when application of pressure to the accelerator pedal (or activation of an equivalent control) or release of the brake system will cause the electric power train to move the vehicle.3.2. "Aqueous electrolyte" means an electrolyte based on water solvent for the compounds (e.g. acids, bases) providing conducting ions after its dissociation.
Aqueous electrolyte, such as potassium hydroxide or sulfuric acid, has a much smaller resistance and thus a larger power density is easy to be obtained; Organic electrolyte based on propylene carbonate or acetonitrile whose ions are bigger, usually has higher resistance and smaller power density (but higher energy density due to the voltage used).
Aqueous electrolyte solutions are in the centre of scientific interest being the media for biochemical reactions in living organisms.
Aqueous electrolyte and acid solutions are of great importance in chemistry and biol- ogy [1–4].