Chemical definition
Examples of Chemical in a sentence
This Addendum shall set forth and establish the scope of work and specific employment conditions for Industrial Workers in the Chemical and Food Processing Plants in the jurisdiction of Sheet Metal Air Rail & Transportation Workers, Local Union #55 Boise, Idaho.
All required Material Safety Data Sheets, Chemical Safety Data Sheets and other product-content information shall be complete and accurate, and provided to AGILENT prior to or with the shipment of the Goods or, where Seller is responsible for shipping the Goods to AGILENT’s end user customer, shall be included with the Goods in the applicable local language and in compliance with such end user customer’s local laws and regulations.
Chemical Safety Data Sheet (CSDS) & Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
An employee in classifications 8534 or 8434 who volunteers and is assigned by the Appointing Officer, or designee, to perform specialized training of their subordinates, peers, or supervisors in one of the following disciplines shall be paid an additional three dollars ($3) per hour when such instructor duties are assigned and actually performed: Weaponless Defense; Defensive Tactics; Chemical Agents; Force Options Simulator Training; Impact Weapons; Field Training Officer.