Aquifer recharge definition

Aquifer recharge means either the controlled subsurface addition of water directly to the aquifer or controlled application of water to the ground surface for the purpose of replenishing the aquifer to offset adverse effects resulting from net depletion of surface water.
Aquifer recharge means the process of infiltration and migration by which
Aquifer recharge means the process of infiltration and migration by which groundwater is replenished.

Examples of Aquifer recharge in a sentence

  • For discharges located within ten stream miles upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, applicants shall also submit a copy of the NOI to the appropriate TCEQ regional office.

  • Aquifer recharge areas and areas with highly permeable (“excessively drained”) soil.

  • For discharges located on or within ten stream miles upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, applicants must also submit a copy of the NOI to the appropriate TCEQ regional office.

  • For discharges located on or within ten stream miles upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, applicants shall also submit a copy of the NOI to the appropriate TCEQ regional offices shown below.

  • Aquifer recharge potential is highest where there are areas of highly permeable soils, good connection to underlying aquifers, and topography that directs surface runoff toward retention/catchment areas.

More Definitions of Aquifer recharge

Aquifer recharge means either the controlled subsurface addition of water directly to the aquifer or
Aquifer recharge means replenishment or recharge of water by human activities to the ground with the specific intent to replenish groundwater.
Aquifer recharge means the process by which water is added to an aquifer. It may occur naturally by the percolation (infiltration) of surface water, precipitation, or snowmelt from the ground surface to a depth where the earth materials are saturated with water. Aquifer recharge can be augmented by “artificial” means through the addition of surface water (e.g., land application of reuse water, wastewater or storm water) or by the injection of water into the underground environment (e.g., drainfields and drywells).
Aquifer recharge means the injection of water into an injection borehole or well in order to replenish water in aquifers;
Aquifer recharge or “aquifer recharge area” means the process by which water is added to an aquifer. It may occur naturally by the percolation (infiltration) of surface water, precipitation or snowmelt from the ground surface to a depth where the earth materials are saturated with water. Aquifer recharge can be augmented by “artificial” means through the addition of surface water (e.g., land application of wastewater or stormwater) or by the injection of water into the underground environment (e.g., drainfields and drywells). Aquifer recharge areas are those areas overlying the aquifer(s) where natural or artificial sources of water can move downward to an aquifer(s). Most areas are aquifer recharge areas.
Aquifer recharge means the movement or percolation (usually downward) of surface water through an unsaturated zone of soil or rock into a groundwater body.
Aquifer recharge means the process by which water is added to an aquifer. It may occur naturally by the