Surface Water Sample Clauses
Surface Water. Standards
Surface Water. To the extent stream flows or diversions are required to be measured under this Settlement Agreement, such data shall be collected, compiled, and made available to the other Parties upon reasonable request and payment of reasonable costs.
Surface Water. Lessor’s express written consent is required for Lessee to use surface water found on the Leased Premises or any property owned or controlled by the Lessor or any water from water xxxxx or stock tanks controlled by the Lessor or its surface tenants.
Surface Water. San Francisco Bay, California’s largest estuary, is approximately 1 mile north of Xxxxxxx Field. Historically, tidal salt xxxxx and mud flats covered extensive areas of the southern portion of the bay including the northern portion of Xxxxxxx Field. However, most of these wetlands have been eliminated or greatly altered. The large area north and northeast of Xxxxxxx Field was diked several decades ago and is still used as commercial salt evaporation ponds. Surface water features at Xxxxxxx Field include or have included stormwater drainage ditches, several small ponds, and a stormwater retention pond. There are no streams on Xxxxxxx Field, although several streams are present to the east and west. Coyote Creek and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx drain into San Francisco Bay east of Xxxxxxx Field, and Stevens Creek drains into San Francisco Bay to the west. Stormwater in the eastern portion of the airfield (including the runways and aircraft aprons) drains through a system of surface channels (Patrol Road Ditch and Marriage Road Ditch) and subsurface drains to the Building 191 lift station and is pumped into the Northern Channel at its western end. Water is pumped from the eastern end of Northern Channel to Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, which drains to San Francisco Bay. During significant rainfall, temporary lift stations pump water from Patrol Road Ditch and Marriage Road Ditch directly into the Northern Channel. Stormwater in the western portion of the base drains to the stormwater settling basin via underground pipes. From the settling basin, the water flows northward through the Eastern Diked Xxxxx to the stormwater retention pond. On the basis of an initial assessment study of Xxxxxxx Field performed by the Naval Energy and Environmental Support Activity (XXXXX), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) projects that the eastern portion of Xxxxxxx Field will be inundated by 100-year tidal flooding (XXXXX 1984). The 100-year flood is projected to reach 7.5 feet above msl and a significant portion of Xxxxxxx Field would be affected.
Surface Water. Goal E8: Protect water quality. Goal E9: Where storm-related flooding does not currently exist, retain existing drainage patterns. Goal E10: Where storm-related shallow flooding may occur, eliminate such flooding through design.
Surface Water. Learning Plan
Surface Water. DOE shall refrain from field work in Boeing NPDES surface water exclusion zones, identified by the Boeing Project Manager, during the rainy season, which is interpreted to be from October 1st through March 30th each year. However, the Boeing Project Manager and DOE Project Manager may mutually agree to limited field activities within the designated NPDES surface water exclusion zones on a location-by-location basis upon advance review and consultation.
Surface Water. Lessee shall have no right to use any surface water found on property owned or controlled by the Board of Regents or any water from water xxxxx or stock tanks controlled by the Board of Regents or its surface tenants.
Surface Water. University Lands’ express written consent is required prior to Developer using any surface Water found on the Subject Lands or any property owned or controlled by University Lands or any Water from Water xxxxx or stock tanks controlled by University Lands or its surface tenants. In the event Water for Completion Operations is imported by Developer or its Representatives from fee lands outside of University Lands’ boundaries, Developer shall be responsible for payment of a tariff the greater of (i) ten ($.10) cents per barrel and (ii) the amount set forth in the Rate and Damage Schedule (as may be updated from time to time). Further, if produced Water (including but not limited to flowback Water, formation water, or brine) is transported by Developer or its Representatives off the Subject Lands for disposal on fee lands, Developer shall be responsible for payment of a tariff the greater of (a) ten ($.10) cents per barrel and (b) the amount set forth in the Rate and Damage Schedule (as may be updated from time to time). Operator shall meter all Water imported and exported pursuant to this Agreement and report monthly to University Lands or upon written request.
Surface Water. Releases