Examples of Area network in a sentence
Inventories comprise of stores and spares which are valued at the lower of cost determined on first in first out basis (FIFO) and the net realisable value after providing for obsolescence and other losses, where considered necessary.
For this policy, a "Technology Resource(s)" is defined as any Local Area network; Wide Area Network; Internet or any telecommunications service whether wired or wireless, that is used to access the Internet or any information source that is, or is not owned or controlled by CMSD; or any computing device, regardless of operating system or form factor.
Four National Parks, 23 Wildlife Sanctuaries and one Conservation Reserve constitute the Protected Area network of the State covering 8.83% of its geographical area.
Depending on the level of commitment, with Nature Reserve and Protected Environment being the highest levels, these properties are entered into the Protected Area network of the country and are afforded some protection against unsustainable development.
The difference should be taken into account when developing the LECP strategies.(j) Objective 2.7.1 – Suggestion to include reference to Limerick Area network on Violence against Women as named network under this objective.(g) Reference to mental health already included.