Area of continual excavation definition

Area of continual excavation means a location where excavation is part of the normal business activities of agricultural operations and flood control facilities.
Area of continual excavation means a location where excavation is part of the normal business activities of that location, including, but not limited to, agricultural operations and flood control facilities.
Area of continual excavation means a location where excavation is part of the normal business of that location, including, but not limited to, cemeteries, quarries, and farms;

Related to Area of continual excavation

  • Area of shallow flooding means a designated AO or AH Zone on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with one percent or greater annual chance of flooding to an average depth of one to three feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; and where velocity flow may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow.

  • Building Area means the greatest horizontal area of a building within the outside surface of the exterior walls.

  • Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.

  • Excavation work means the making of any man-made cavity, trench, pit or depression formed by cutting, digging or scooping;

  • Area A means the area marked “Area A” outlined in red on the Plan (excluding that part shaded grey on the Plan);

  • Parking Area means the area designated as a permitted parking area and as a special parking area by the Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (County of Denbighshire) Order 2004 and “permitted parking area” and “special parking area” are to be read accordingly;”.

  • Excavation means the mechanical removal of earth material.

  • Landing area means that part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft;

  • mixed-use building means a building or structure containing a residential and non- residential use other than a home occupation;

  • Dining area means a public room or area in which meals are regularly served.

  • Elevated Building means a non-basement building which has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns.