Examples of ARIPO Office in a sentence
Fees due to Contracting States shall be held in their favour or, on request, transmitted to them by the ARIPO Office.
The ARIPO Office shall certify on the said form that an ARIPO patent application referring to the deposit of the micro-organism has been filed and that the requester or the expert nominated by him is entitled to the issue of a sample of the micro-organism.
The ARIPO Office shall publish a Journal in which it shall effect all the publications provided for in the Protocol and in these Regulations.
The annual maintenance fees shall fall due on the eve of each anniversary of the date of filing of the application and shall be paid in advance to the ARIPO Office.
The ARIPO Office shall record each lapsed patent in the Patents Register and publish a notification of the lapse in the ARIPO Journal.
The ARIPO Office shall maintain a Patents Register, a Utility Models Register and an Industrial Designs Register in which shall be recorded, respectively, all patents granted and all utility models and industrial designs registered under the Protocol, and which shall contain the particulars the recording of which is provided for in these Regulations.
The ARIPO Office shall notify the applicant and the industrial property office of each designated State of the filing date of the application.
The documents furnished under this Rule shall merely serve the purpose of facilitating the evaluation of the novelty and inventive step of the invention claimed in the application being processed by the ARIPO Office or in the patent granted on the basis of that application.
No Member State shall be obliged to receive or process ARIPO patent applications filed in electronic form or by electronic means unless if the Member State has notified the ARIPO Office that it is prepared to do so in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Administrative Instructions.
The request shall be filed with the ARIPO Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.