ARS means a service feature associated with a specific grouping of lines that provides for automatic selection of the least expensive or most appropriate transmission facility for each call based on criteria programmed into the system.
ARS means Arizona Revised Statutes.
Examples of ARS in a sentence
Contract claims and disputes arising under A.R.S. Title 36, shall be adjudicated in accordance with AHCCCS and DDD Rules and Section 3.33 of this Appendix.
The mediation shall be completed in one day (or less) and shall be confidential, private, and otherwise governed by the provisions of A.R.S. §12- 2238.
The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is subject to cancellation pursuant to the provisions of A.R.S. §38-511.
The cost principles and procedures provided in A.R.S. § 41-2543 and A.A.C. Title 2, Chapter 7, Article 7, shall apply.
Corporate Governance applies to providers of services to Children and/or Vulnerable Adults (as defined by A.R.S. § 46-451(A)(10)).
More Definitions of ARS
ARS means the Arizona Revised Statutes.
ARS or “Aggregated Receiving Station” or “Distribution Domestic Exit Point” shall mean the virtual receiving station which regroups several receiving stations which connect the Distribution Network to the Transmission Grid.
ARS. (Automatic Route Selection) is a service feature that provides for automatic selection of the least expensive or most appropriate transmission facility for each call based on criteria programmed into the system.
ARS has the meaning set forth in the background to the Agreement.
ARS means American Radio Systems Corporation, a Delaware corporation.
ARS means the Arizona Revised Statutes as now or hereafter enacted or amended.
ARS means Arizona Revised Statutes, with standard references in this title by title and section, so that A.R.S. § 49-101 means Section 101 of Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.