Artificial fly definition

Artificial fly means a single hook dressed with fur, feathers, hair, silk, tinsel, thread or similar material to imitate the natural food of fish.
Artificial fly means any commonly accepted single hook wet and dry flies, streamers, and nymphs without spinner, spoon, scoop, lip or any other fishing lure or bait attached. The fly or leader may be weighted but no weight shall be attached to the fly or to the terminal tackle in a manner that allows the weight to be suspended from or below the hook.
Artificial fly means a single or double hook dressed with silk, tinsel, wool, fur, feathers or any combination of those or other materials commonly used in making artificial flies, but does not include a fly that has a spinning device, or a weight that causes the fly to sink.

Examples of Artificial fly in a sentence

  • Further, the coefficient on the spatial lag term remains positive and significantly different than zero.

  • Artificial fly fishing is also considered as spin fishing, if the bait is equipped with a device like rotating metal or a little propeller, which in- creases its attraction for the fish while moving.

  • Artificial fly fishing is also considered as spin fishing in case of use of spinning bait or with a de- vice such as rotating metal, little propeller, which increases fish attraction while moving.

  • Artificial fly fishing is also considered as spin fishing in case of use of spinning bait or with a device such as rotating metal, little propeller, which increases fish attraction while moving.

  • This is explicitly performed to maintain the same image resolutions used in our previous works [17][18].

More Definitions of Artificial fly

Artificial fly means a fly made by the method known as fly tying.
Artificial fly means a fishing hook dressed with fur, feather or other natural or artificial material to resemble either an insect, fish or other prey item that will attract fish;
Artificial fly means any lure of feather, fur, wool or other material of any kind customarily used in the making of artificial flies.
Artificial fly means a fishing fly that is primarily constructed from natural or synthetic fur and feather materials and which is designed to attract fish and which incorporates a fishing hook.
Artificial fly means a single hook dressed with conventional natural or artificial fly tying materials only, to which no additional fly, spoon, spinning head or other similar device or any edible matter is attached. Weight may be incorporated only in the dressing in the form of metal wire or ribbing, or foil or beads;
Artificial fly means a single hook or a double hook that is dressed with materials likely to attract fish;

Related to Artificial fly

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