Fuel Additive definition
Examples of Fuel Additive in a sentence
CHEMICAL ADDITIVE: (Mfg & Type): Innospec, Legal Diesel™ Fuel Additive CFI-1902 The vendor should be aware that when an order has been placed for the Winter Mix, it must already have been blended at the vendor location and delivered to the Using Agency, as such.
This information is stored in a log file and the data can be retrieved later date for detailed analysis.
EPA, Report to Congress on Public Health, Air Quality, and Water Resource Impact of Fuel Additive Substitutes for MTBE 63 (Feb.
E6–6619 Filed 5–1–06; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY[FRL–8164–2] Platinum GaSaver; Final Cancellation Order for a Fuel Additive Registration for Failure to Submit Test DataAGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).ACTION: Final Cancellation Order for a Fuel Additive Registration.SUMMARY: The regulations for Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, were promulgated under the authority of sections 211(a), (b) and (e) of the Clean Air Act, as amended.
Emission reduction using additised E-diesel with diesel oxidation catalysts (Invention 5) Australia 2005212304 Pending Fuel Additive alkoxylates & alkanolamides with higher alcohols).