Fungus definition
Examples of Fungus in a sentence
MaineHousing may require higher limits Coverage No less broad than latest ISO form CG 00 01, but does not have to be on the ISO form Coverage may exclude War, Abuse and Molestation, Fungus, Nuclear Energy, Employment-related Practices, Asbestos and Terrorism.
UV-Stabilized Cable Ties: Fungus inert, designed for continuous exposure to exterior sunlight, self extinguishing, one piece, self locking, Type 6/6 nylon.
Fungus includes, but is not limited to, any of the plants or organisms belonging to the major group fungi, lacking chlorophyll, and including mold(s), rusts, mildews, smuts and mushrooms.
Amongst other things, PG may accept or reject/decline: • Terrorism Liability Exclusions;• Uninsured Motorists Liability Exclusions;• Underinsured Motorists Liability Exclusions;• Lead Exclusions;• Mold, Fungus & Spores Exclusions; and/or,• Sexual & Physical Abuse & Molestation Exclusions.
The fungi that have shown such effects are listed below: Table 2 Results of inoculation experiments Alnus Fungus glutinosa Betula pubescens Cornus sanguinea Fagus silvatica Fraxinus excelsior Keissleriella caudata + — Massarina ebttrnea — — — + — Massarina maritima + — — + — Massarina Brunaudi — + — + — Massarina cisti — + — + — — — negative; + = positive.