Asbestos definition
Examples of Asbestos in a sentence
The University of Waterloo maintains an Asbestos Management Program, conforming to Ontario Regulation 278/02 – Designated Substance – Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations.
Asbestos poses a health risk only when fibers are present in the air that people breathe.
Materials not immediately accessible including, but not limited to, roof systems, floor systems, and underground concrete partitions can be difficult or impossible to sample prior to demolition; therefore, CESA cannot state that all Asbestos Containing Materials (“ACM”) or other hazardous materials have been identified/sampled/tested due to materials that may be hidden.
Should potentially asbestos-containing materials or other hazardous materials be uncovered, all disturbance activities must cease pending further investigation by a Wisconsin State Certified Asbestos Inspector, Wisconsin State Certified Lead Inspector or other qualified individual.
Federal National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) regulations require that an Asbestos Competent Person be onsite during any renovation or demolition activities to identify ACMs that may be uncovered.