Flammable definition
Flammable means a chemical that falls into one of the following categories:
Flammable means materials capable of being readily ignitable from common sources of heat or at a temperature of 600 degrees Fahrenheit, 316 degrees Celsius, or less.
Flammable means capable of being easily ignited, burning intensely, or having a rapid rate of flame spread.
Examples of Flammable in a sentence
Additional information : Flammable vapours may accumulate in the container.
However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.· Relevant phrasesH226 Flammable liquid and vapour.
The storage area floor should be leak-tight, jointless and not absorbent.Storage class Flammable liquid storage.
Specific hazards arising from the chemical Hazardous thermal decomposition products: Flammable liquid and vapor.
During a fire and depending on its magnitude the following may occur:- Flammable vapors or gases.
More Definitions of Flammable
Flammable means vapor concentration from a liquid that has a flash point less than 100° F.
Flammable infectious," "radioactive," "carcinogenic," or "mutagenic" material under any law, regulation, rule, order, or other authority of the federal, state or local governments, or any agency, department, commission, board, or instrumentality thereof, regarding the protection of human health or the environment from such chemical substances including, but not limited to, the following federal laws and their amendments, analogous state and local laws, and any regulations promulgated thereunder: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Control Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1986, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act, including, without limitation, asbestos and gasoline and other petroleum products (including crude oil or any fraction thereof); (ii) without limitation, which contains gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum hydrocarbons; (iii) without limitation, which contains polychlorinated biphenyls or asbestos or asbestos-containing materials or urea formaldehyde foam insulation; or (iv) without limitation, radon gas.
Flammable. - means easily ignitable and capable of burning with great rapidity.
Flammable means that a substance is capable of being ignited and burning in air.
Flammable means capable of catching fire easily, or combustible.
Flammable means any substance that has a flash point of above 20 degrees to and including 80 degrees Fahrenheit, as de- termined by the Tagliabue Open Cup Tester.