Assigned Code(s) definition

Assigned Code(s) means the combination of characters (which may include letters and numbers) that is either created by you or issued to you by the Bank and is needed to access your Linked Accounts through the NCB e-Financial Services including user codes, passwords, access codes, personal identification numbers, authorization codes, test codes, and all such other codes.

Examples of Assigned Code(s) in a sentence

  • Figure 4: Predicted, Assigned Codes grouped by top- level code group vs total assigned codes Figure 5: Predicted, Not Assigned Codes grouped by top-level code group vs total assigned codes ×We also group the predicted codes into their re- spective top-level ICD-9 groups in Figure 4 and ob- serve that predicted assigned codes display a simi- lar distribution to total assigned codes.

  • Count of the Assigned Codes by Mail Piece Mailing Mail PieceNumber of AssignedCodesNumber ofUnique Codes Percent UniqueSource: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Brochure (sent in both the first and third mailings) and the letter in the third mailing contain the most codes, with 42 each.

  • Unless the “alternative parent conferences” option below is agreed upon, each elementary school Principal shall select a day each in the fall and spring for the early release of students mid-day.

  • The Customer shall be responsible upon receipt of the Assigned Codes to safeguard their confidentiality and to distribute them only to the Customer’s authorized personnel or to the Customer’s authorized Agent.

  • The Customer shall be responsible upon receipt of the Assigned Codes to safeguard their confidentiality and to distribute them only to the Customer's authorized personnel or to the Customer's authorized Agent.

  • NCB may establish security procedures to be followed in connection with all ACH Entries issued hereunder which may include, without limitation, the assignment of user codes, passwords, personal identification numbers, authorization codes, test codes and other similar devices (the "Assigned Codes"), all of which have been separately described to the Customer and are hereby acknowledged.

  • Note: GS1 Company Prefixes 00 00000 and 00 01000 to 00 07999 have specific application for Locally Assigned Codes (LACs) or Retailer Zero-Suppressed Codes (RZSCs).

  • It is essential that you and your authorized users’ safeguard you’re Assigned Codes and not share them with any person.

  • Promoters should then split the cost of the ticket evenly between themselves by dividing the total cost of the ticket by the number of preliminaries on the itinerary.

  • These technological advancements are likely to make several traditional financial products like term loans and bonds based on estimated bulk requirements obsolete and replaced by variants of credit cards to provide transaction level credit.

Related to Assigned Code(s)

  • Assigned Intellectual Property has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1 (Assigned Intellectual Property).

  • Assigned Contracts has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(c).

  • Assigned Contract has the meaning set forth in Section 1.5(a).

  • Intellectual property record means a record, other than a financial or administrative record, that is produced or collected by or for faculty or staff of a state institution of higher learning in the conduct of or as a result of study or research on an educational, commercial, scientific, artistic, technical, or scholarly issue, regardless of whether the study or research was sponsored by the institution alone or in conjunction with a governmental body or private concern, and that has not been publicly released, published, or patented.

  • Intellectual Property Rights shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3.1(p).

  • Third Party Intellectual Property Rights means any Intellectual Property owned by a third party.

  • Pre-Existing Intellectual Property Rights means any Intellectual Property Rights vested in or licensed to the Client or the Contractor prior to or independently of the performance by the Client of the Contractor of their obligations under this Contract.

  • Product Intellectual Property means all of the following related to a Divestiture Product (other than Product Licensed Intellectual Property):

  • Transferred Technology has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

  • Seller Intellectual Property means any Intellectual Property that is owned by either Seller and primarily used in connection with the Business.

  • Licensed Intellectual Property Rights means all Intellectual Property Rights owned by a third party and licensed or sublicensed to either the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Intellectual Property Right means any patent, patent right, trademark, trademark right, trade name, trade name right, service xxxx, service xxxx right, copyright and other proprietary intellectual property right and computer program.

  • Purchased Intellectual Property has the meaning set forth in Section 1.2(g).

  • Real Property Rights means all rights in or to real property (such as leasehold or other rights to use or access the Project Site), leases, agreements, Permits, easements, including licenses, private rights-of-way, and utility and railroad crossing rights required to be obtained or maintained by Owner in connection with construction of the Project on the Project Site, transmission of electricity to the Grid, performance of the Work, or operation of the Project.

  • Project Intellectual Property means the legal rights relating to inventions (including Subject Inventions as defined in 37 CFR 401), patent applications, patents, copyrights, trademarks, mask works, trade secrets, and any other legally protectable information, including computer software, first made or generated during the performance of this STTR Agreement.

  • Object Code means computer software that is substantially or entirely in binary form and that is intended to be directly executable by a computer after suitable processing and linking but without any intervening steps of compilation or assembly.

  • Intellectual Property (IP) means all copyright, rights in relation to inventions (including patent rights and unpatented technologies), plant varieties, registered and unregistered trademarks (including service marks), registered designs, confidential information (including trade secrets and know-how), mask-works and integrated circuit layouts, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields;

  • Licensed Intellectual Property means Intellectual Property licensed to the Company pursuant to the Company IP Agreements.

  • Third Party Intellectual Property means the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party which Supplier uses or incorporates into the Work.

  • Grid Code / “IEGC” or “State Grid Code” shall mean the Grid Code specified by the Central Commission under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 of the Electricity Act and/or the State Grid Code as specified by the concerned State Commission referred under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, as applicable;

  • Owned Intellectual Property Rights means any and all Intellectual Property Rights owned or purported to be owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Licenses means all licenses, permits, certificates of authority, authorizations, approvals, registrations, franchises, and similar consents granted or issued by any Person and are associated with or necessary to operate the Company and/or used in connection with the Business.

  • Company Intellectual Property Rights means Intellectual Property Rights owned by or purported to be owned by, or exclusively licensed to, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Controlled technical information means technical information with military or space application that is subject to controls on the access, use, reproduction, modification, performance, display, release, disclosure, or dissemination. Controlled technical information would meet the criteria, if disseminated, for distribution statements B through F using the criteria set forth in DoD Instruction 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents. The term does not include information that is lawfully publicly available without restrictions.

  • Seller IP means (a) all Intellectual Property Rights in or pertaining to the Seller Products or methods or processes used or incorporated in the Seller Products, and (b) all other Intellectual Property Rights owned by or exclusively licensed to the Seller.