Examples of Assisted living in a sentence
Assisted living facilities wishing to participate should visit https://redcap.link/LTCF.
Assisted living homes, assisted living centers, adult developmental homes, child developmental homes and group homes, hospices, group homes for traumatic brain injured members, and rural substance abuse transitional agencies.
Assisted living residences may provide other services to residents such as recreational activities, financial services, and transportation.
Assisted living facility staff will perform their duties and conduct themselves in a manner that fosters and promotes participants' dignity and independence.
Assisted living facilities may also be known as adult living facilities.Physicians and qualified nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) furnishing E/M services to residents in a living arrangement described by one of the POS listed above must use the level of service code in the CPT code range 99324 - 99337 to report the service they provide.