Assisted living program provider definition

Assisted living program provider means an organization licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health to provide all services required of an assisted living program.
Assisted living program provider means an organization licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health [and Senior Services], in accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:36, to provide all services required of an assisted living program.

Related to Assisted living program provider

  • Assisted living services means services provided by a

  • Assisted living facility means any congregate residential setting that provides or coordinates

  • Assisted living means provision of housing with services which may include but are not limited to health-related care, personal care, and assistance with instrumental activities of daily living to three or more tenants in a physical structure which provides a homelike environment. “Assisted living” also includes encouragement of family involvement, tenant self-direction, and tenant participation in decisions that emphasize choice, dignity, privacy, individuality, shared risk, and independence. “Assisted living” includes the provision of housing and assistance with instrumental activities of daily living only if personal care or health-related care is also included. “Assisted living” includes twenty-four hours per day response staff to meet scheduled and unscheduled or unpredictable needs in a manner that promotes maximum dignity and independence and provides supervision, safety, and security.

  • Assisted living care means a level of service provided by an assisted living facility for adults who

  • Program services means services that include all of the following provided they are pursuant to a program agreement: program needs assessment and development, job task analysis, curriculum development and revision, instruction, instructional materials and supplies, computer software and upgrades, instructional support, administrative and student services, related school to career training programs, skill or career interest assessment services and testing and contracted services.

  • Training program means an NCA-approved Iowa college, the Iowa law enforcement academy or an Iowa hospital approved by the department to conduct emergency medical care training.