Associate Deans definition
Examples of Associate Deans in a sentence
The Associate Deans of the Faculty conduct a rigorous investigation, including an interview with the student, when an instructor suspects a piece of work has been plagiarized.
The Dean may appoint Associate Deans and Assistant Deans to assist with carrying out his/her responsibilities.
Together with the Associate Deans, the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for athletics; residential life policies and programs; counseling and health services; student participation in College governance; social, recreational, and cultural programming; career planning; religious life programs; and international and ALANA student concerns.
Only ranked faculty members (but not including ranked faculty members who are serving as Department Heads, School Directors, Associate Deans, Deans, or Associate Provosts) are eligible for sabbatical leave.
Ranked faculty members (but not including ranked faculty members who are serving as Department Heads, School Directors, Associate Deans, Deans, or Associate Provosts) are eligible to apply for leave to engage in professional development activities not covered by sabbatical or educational leaves.
Academic Administrator – The Academic Vice President/Xxxxxxx, Divisional Deans and Associate Deans, Directors of Academic departments, other Directors who are direct supervisors of bargaining unit members, or such equivalent positions as may be established.
Defined - With regard to these academic requirements, all references to “Dean” shall mean the Dean at either location (Newark or Camden) or any of their designees, such as Vice Deans or Associate Deans.
Xxxxx and Associate Deans shall not participate in Departmental or Centre Committee meetings unless invited by the Department or Centre to do so.
The Academic Vice President, Divisional Deans and Associate Deans, Directors of Academic departments, or such equivalent positions as may be established.
In these cases, graduate and professional students should make an appointment with one of the Associate Deans of the Graduate School for further advice.