AST definition
Examples of AST in a sentence
A study by Xxxxxxx (2002) had AST 156 mg/dl / ALT 169 mg/dl, a study by Talachian (2014) had AST 280 mg/dl / ALT 238 mg/dl and a study by Sira (2016) had AST 134 mg/dl / ALT 230 mg/dl11,12,13.
If the Customer disputes the whole or part of an invoice, the Customer shall notify AST in writing within ten (10) days of invoice date by email to their account manager (or dealer if they do not deal directly with AST) (or by such other means as AST may advise from time to time).
State agencies shall ensure compliance with AST standards as established in Rule Chapter 74-1 and 74-2, F.A.C, as applicable.
One study reported higher ALT levels as predictive of specialist referral attendance (p=0.001).83 Only three studies considered AST levels, and none found associations with CHC care or treatment.58, 63, 77 Four studies found no association between viral load and CHC care or treatment.
Failure to adhere to Master Agreement scope may result in addendum termination and the reimbursement of reprocurement costs in accordance to 60A-1.006 F.A.C. Pursuant to sections 282.0051 and 282.318, F.S., the Agency for State Technology (AST) has established information technology standards for security, project management, and oversight.